We will remain OPEN during the lock down period of 6 weeks and will continue to support all of our valued community at St Kilda Beach Osteopathy.
As Allied Health Practitioners, including our Osteopaths, Naturopath, and Myotherapist, we are here, and committed to take care of your aches and pains and to support you through this next challenging period.
To contact us for any advice, to chat or for an appointment, please get in touch here, and we will respond as soon as we can.
We are safe.
We take our hygiene and sanitisation processes seriously, and you can be assured that we are keeping our clinic space as safe as possible for every one of our patient who come to their appointments.
Our current sanitisation and hygiene practices are;
- Mandatory hand sanitisation on entry
- Social distancing in the reception and all areas of the clinic
- Minimal numbers of people in our clinic at any one time.
- Sanitisation of surfaces (beds, chair, desk, door handles) between each patient
- Sanitisation of clinic door handles, light switches and shared surfaces
- Handwashing stations are located throughout the clinic and of course in bathrooms.
As a reminder – anyone displaying the symptoms of or exposed to the virus, waiting on test results please do not come to the clinic.
If you can’t come to the clinic please contact us and we can arrange a phone or tele-health consultation or reschedule your appointment to a more suitable time.
Let’s all work together to keep each other safe.
Take time out for yourself
To watch: rediscover the classics

Definitely my goto when I need a laugh, and it’s guaranteed!
A timeless exploration of the minutae of daily life, it’s as funny now as it was in the 90s.
Some funny scenes with a medical twist, from Elaine’s dance moves (a recipe for a trip to the osteo!) to Frank Costanza’s meditation tape, the jury is still out on the best season. We love them all!
You can catch them on youtube for free, or on Stan, and Foxtel.
To make: no knead bread (sourdough starter not required)

We’ll admit to a twinge of envy when we’ve heard about the amazing sourdough bread baked during lockdown 1.0.
Here’s a little cheat’s version which we love. It’s simple, delicious and requires no sourdough starter culture or kneading! All you need to do is mix ingredients together and leave it for 12 hours.
To do: walk
Melbourne has an abundance of walking paths in the inner city and surrounding suburbs. Sometimes we can be too busy to discover our own backyard. With exercise restricted to local areas only, it’s a good opportunity to go for a walk, get some exercise and discover something new in your local area.

Finally, you can catch up on all of our latest & more recent news and advice on working from home, how to set up your home office, and other great tips on our NEWS page of our website.