Welcome to Winter
Whilst the first couple of weeks of Winter were a bit of a shock to us, this past week has seen some gloriously still & sunny mornings that remind us of how great Melbourne Winter can be!! And like I’ve always said, “there’s not such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing!”
And with stunning mornings like this on my runs this week, what’s stopping you!

Whilst it’s common to feel a shift in mood during the colder, darker days of winter, and the “winter blues” is recognised as a phenomenon that affects some Australians.
It can be as simple as feeling tired and gloomy, but if the fatigue and pessimism occur over a significant period every winter and interfere with daily functioning it may develop into a clinical condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Beyond Blue Lead Clinical Adviser Dr Grant Blashki says SAD is a recurring condition associated with less natural sunlight and includes a range of symptoms. If you are struggling to get out and get going this Winter, here’s a few tips to help ease the effects of SAD, and help get you on your way.
- Routine – less screen time at night, get to bed earlier will help you get up earlier and start the day more productively.
- Exercise – improves mood, try to get out through the middle of the day in the sunlight also.
- Healthy Food – try to avoid those carb cravings, eat real food, plenty of fruit & veg.
- Get outdoors – Get natural light, fresh air, some sunshine when you can.
For more detailed information on all of these pointers, as well as important resources if you are struggling, we have a great article linked here.
Winter Solstice!
With the Winter Solstice just behind us, this is a time to celebrate as many around the world do. if you’re looking for some more Winter inspo, then look no further than this article here with some great ideas to get you into the swing of things!
Shockwave Masterclass
Our SKBO team took part in an informative & inspiring masterclass recently learning more about our EMS DOLORCLAST shock wave therapy that we offer in clinic.
Whilst we have already been getting some pretty spectacular results with our EMS shock wave therapy treatments over the past 12 months, it was great to hear further investigative studies and research cases for additional reference.
We also learned about even more about the effectiveness of SWT, and how it works at the tissue level to produce these responses;
- pain relief
- reduction of inflammation
- muscle & tissue repair
- tendon repair
- cartilage repair
- bone repair
What we Can Treat
As well as reaching more clinical complaints after new research has shown effectiveness in the treatment of the following;
- Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
- tennis elbow
- chronic upper back pain
- adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
- goldfers elbow
- lower back pain, SIJ pain
- patellar tip syndrome (jumpers knee)
- ITBS (lat knee/runners knee)
- achilles tendinopathy
- plantar fasciitis
- MCP pain (toe joints)
- knee osteoarthritis

At St Kilda Beach Osteopathy & Versus you can rest assured we strive to provide the very best in allied health services in a supportive and safe environment. Our goal is to help you be at your best in health & fitness.